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Strive Conquest Cheats

Strive Conquest

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Edit Your Save:
Posted on February 2, 2023

Note: Back up Your own saves before you add.
We recommend you use Notepad++ to edit your save, It’s pretty easy to 
figure out how to change stuff.
--Cheat Code=-
fkfynroh – Redeem it in-game

-=Save File Location=-
C:\Users\”User name”\AppData\Roaming\Strive for Power 2\saves
Note: “Username” is your windows username. You also need to change your 

* view settings to show hidden files and folders in order to be able to see 
  the AppData folder.

* How to Modify the Dating/xxx Options and Loyalty System By Editing Your Save.
* Just have to push Control F (find) and locate the code below and change from 
  false to true.

-=How to Get the Free and Instant Upgrade=-

-=How to Get infinite “dating and xxx” Interactions=-

-=How to Unlock All Classes and Upgrades=-

-=How to Boost Your Loyalty and Slaves=-
* Just search "loyalty":0 and change the 0 to 1500 for everything. that way 
  all available slaves/peons with 0 loyalty gets swapped to 1500.

* Just like with loyalty, you can change all your slaves and peons’ stats 
  (physics, xxxxuals, wits, etc) from terrible to excellent as well just by 
  swapping 0’s with 5’s

-=How to Change the Prices of the Items in-game?=-
* Locate the items you want to modify and change their prices around.

-= How to Increase Your Mansion Space by Editing Save File=-
Here are the steps for you to get 5000 bitches in your house:

* Just go to saveeditor and load save, press ctrl + F and search for master_bedroom 
  and increase level then type luxury room and increase level then type in rooms”:5 
  and search and then increase 5 to 9999 and you get 5000 space in mansion.
* Click save and name it some random name, do not overwrite your current save
* Then name it bootymansionempire or some shit and then drag it over to
  appdata/Roaming/Strive for power 2 save folder
* After loading edited save file, just save again to overwrite so picture of 
  your character appears over the save.

-=Here is Alternate Method by Naskura=-
* Open this file ..\src\core\
* Look for these three entries and tweak to your desired results.

 var base_population_cap = 10
 var population_cap_per_room_upgrade = 10
 var max_population_cap = 60

* Remember that there’s 5 upgrades, so you’ll want you max pop to be equal to 
  the base pop + 5x the upgrade value. For my last play through I capped myself 
  at 60 while setting the base and upgrades to 10.

* Doing it this way will tweak the rules for any game you start.

Plus then you can tweak a billion other thing like preg and training speeds, 
starting values, and whatever. Just be aware that the game will eventually run 
like shit and turns will take forever once you get too many NPCs going at once.
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