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Steelrising Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Saves: How Do They Work?:
Saves work similar like in Dark Souls 2 if that is what you ask for, you 
die and respawn at the last checkpoint before boss. Most checkpoints are 
right infornt of the boss area so you dont need to run to get to the boss 
if you die and finally this game is not very long, its around 20h. 
Your choice what you play.

If you liked what you played in Dark Souls 2 but you want EASIER 
experience similar to that than go for it.

Where to Find Save Files
If you need to find a save file of your Steelrising game progress then 
follow this path:

Note: You might need to make sure hidden folders is disabled before you 
can find the files.
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