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SpyParty Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Intermediate Mode Guide:
Written by LtHummus

This guide goes over the new missions and mechanics in SpyParty's Intermediate 
mode. Once the Sniper starts winning most of the time, you're ready to switch 
to Intermediate Mode. Intermediate Mode can be accessed by the little drop 
down arrow next to the map selection.

-=Any Mode=-
The first thing you will notice is that the mission setup now says something 
like "Any 3 of 4.” This is the mission loadout. In the simplified rule set, you 
were playing "Known 4.” This means that the Spy has to do 4 missions and the 
Sniper knows exactly which 4 missions the Spy is attempting to accomplish. In 
"Any 3 of 4”, the Spy has 4 missions available, but only needs to accomplish 3 
of them to win. The Sniper does not know which 3 they are going to be. In fact, 
the Spy does not need to declare which missions they want to do, instead they 
can accomplish missions opportunistically as they come up at the party. 
Most intermediate games use this sort of setup. 

It is also possible for the number of available missions to be fewer than the 
amount of missions on the map. For example, on Ballroom, there are 8 missions, 
but you might be playing "Any 3 of 4.” Before the game begins, the Spy player 
must unselect missions to bring the total available to 4. In other words, the 
Spy must declare (before the game begins) several missions that they will NOT 
do. This is done on the Spy setup screen by unchecking missions on the right-
hand side of the screen. The Sniper player will have the unchecked missions 
crossed off in their list.

-=New Mission: Inspect Statues=
This mission simply requires you to look at the fancy statues. While holding a 
statue, you will have an action for "Inspect Held Statue.” While holding a 
statue, you can also inspect neighboring statues as long as nobody else is 
holding them. Each map will require a different number of statues to be 
inspected to complete the mission.

Spy Tip: If there is a group of three statues, the Spy can complete 3 
inspections in one go by picking up the middle statue.

Sniper Tip: People picking up center statues might be up to no good!

-=New Mission: Purloin Guest List=-
Toby, the waiter, has a guest list on his drink tray. To purloin (or steal) 
the guest list, you can call Toby over to give you a drink. When he is 
offering you a drink, you have the option of purloining the guest list. As 
you take a drink, the guest list will disappear. The sniper can see if the
 list is on the tray or not. 

Spy Tip: Think about the angles that the Sniper will have on the guest list. 
Choose your moment carefully.

Sniper Tip: The list can be hard to see on some maps, depending on Toby’s 
position. Remember you can re-angle yourself to get a better view!

-=New Mission: Fingerprint Ambassador=-
During the course of the party, the Ambassador will touch stuff: statues, 
books, drinks, and the briefcase. To complete this mission, you need to get 
two fingerprints from the Ambassador. To obtain a fingerprint, the Spy must 
be the next partygoer to hold the object after the Ambassador. For example, 
if the Ambassador leaves a statue, the Spy can go to it to get a fingerprint.

Spy Tip: Keep in mind where the Ambassador is at all times.

Sniper Tip: Well, it’s the same: keep an eye on what the Ambassador is doing.

-=New Mission: Transfer Microfilm=-
The last new mission is transferring the microfilm. On maps with this mission, 
there are multiple bookcases, each with its own color. To accomplish this mission, 
simply take a book from a bookcase and return it to a different bookcase. For 
example, on Ballroom, you can take a book from the green bookcase and put it back 
in the blue one. You can also take from the blue and put back in the green. The 
important thing is that you put the book back in the "wrong” place.

Spy Tip: Holding a book can help shed suspicion (see the below note on holding things).

Sniper Tip: Try and remember where books came from. AIs will always put the book 
back in the correct location.

-=A Note About Pub / Moderne=-
Pub and Moderne are slightly special: purloining the guest list works completely 
differently on these maps. Instead of having a drink tray and walking around serving 
guests, Toby is stationed behind the bar taking drink orders. To purloin on this map, 
go up to the bar and ask for a drink. When Toby serves you, he will place the guest 
list right next to the drink. When taking the drink, you will have the option to 
take the list as well.

-=A Note About Holding Things=-
Over the course of the game, it is possible to walk around the party while holding 
objects, such as books and drinks. While you are holding something, it limits the 
things you can do. For example, while you are holding a drink or a book, you can 
not visit statues or pick up another object. Keep this in mind! Drinks will have 3 
sips before they are finished, but Spies have the option to "gulp” the drink, which 
will finish it immediately. It is also possible to start the game holding a drink; 
in that case, the drink will have only one sip left.

-=Tips for Getting Better=-
Talk to your opponents! SpyParty is incredibly fun when you are talking to your 
opponents. If you got shot as the Spy, ask your opponent why they shot you. You 
might just learn something new.
Watch replays. There is an entire replay tool that you can use to watch your previous 
games. You can see the games from both the Sniper and Spy views and you can freely 
jump backwards and forwards in the game.
Look at the Dossier. In the Practice menu, there is an option to "View Dossier.” 
This will bring up a screen that lets you view every character’s animation in the 
game, so you can see firsthand what every mission looks like.
Play a practice Spy game. Use the Practice Spy Game feature to practice the new 
missions and see how action tests affect the ones you know and love. In Practice 
Spy mode, you can also hit the Tab key (or the X button on an Xbox controller) to 
swap to the Sniper view.

-=Spy Tips=-
1.Good camera management is vital. Always be able to answer the question, 
  “Where is the laser?” Always swing the camera around so you can see the room 
   and the laser.
2.You may think you’re being obvious, but the Sniper is overwhelmed with information, 
  so try to relax.
3.Do not take control from the AI until you have your bearings. You can move the 
  camera while in AI mode.
4.Moving with confidence is key! Don’t fidget or adjust!
5.Once you have a destination in mind, do not stop in the middle of the room, or 
  rotate the camera while you’re moving. Walk until the outlined area highlights, 
  then stop. There is no momentum on the movement.
6.Holding something (a drink, a book, etc.) restricts the actions you can do, and 
  sometimes it’s side-dependent, so e.g. if you’re holding a drink on the left, you 
  can’t bug the Ambassador on that side.
7.Don’t look too intentional. Don’t make a beeline from the statues to the bookshelves 
  to the Ambassador. Mingle at the party, have a drink, look like you’re just hanging 
8.If the laser sight is on your head, don’t panic, play it cool.

-=Sniper Tips=-
1.Don’t panic, it’s overwhelming at first, but you have time to sort things out, and 
  the Spy will make mistakes.
2.Ignore the cast characters who cannot be the Spy. Lowlight them with Left Trigger 
  if you are a fast aimer.
3.Remember: you can move around corners and see the maps from various multiple sides.
4.You move slower when you’re zoomed in.
5.Once you’re comfortable, use the triggers to manage suspects by Highlighting and 
  Lowlighting, but don’t worry about this at the beginning, it’s more important to 
6.Some Snipers find it easier to Lowlight everyone who is not a suspect, others find 
  it easier to Highlight people who are suspects. E.g. when you hear “banana bread”, 
  you can Highlight people in conversations, or Lowlight people not in conversations.
  Both techniques work, use either one.
7.Keep your laser sight out of view of the Spy by aiming it at a window frame or 
  above or below the windows.
8.Look for intentional behavior, not just hard tells. Who is acting like they have 
  things to do? Who is not moving with confidence?

-=Tips for Getting Better=-
*Talk to your opponents! SpyParty is incredibly fun when you are talking to your 
  opponents. If you got shot as the Spy, ask your opponent why they shot you. 
  You might just learn something new.
*Watch replays. There is an entire replay tool that you can use to watch your 
 previous games. You can see the games from both the Sniper and Spy views and you 
 can freely jump backwards and forwards in the game.
*Look at the Dossier. In the Practice menu, there is an option to “View Dossier.” 
 This will bring up a screen that lets you view every character’s animation in the 
 game, so you can see firsthand what every mission looks like.
*lay a practice Spy game. Use the Practice Spy Game feature to practice the new 
 missions and see how action tests affect the ones you know and love. In Practice 
 Spy mode, you can also hit the Tab key (or the X button on an Xbox controller) to 
 swap to the Sniper view.
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