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Space Empires 4 Cheats

Space Empires 4

Cheat Codes:
At the screen listed below, hold [Ctrl] and type any of the
following "Codes":

Code       Effect 
money    - 100,000 to All Resources(Empire Status Screen)
movement - Ship Movement Set to Full (Ship Report Screen)
repair   - Ship is Fully Repaired (Ship Report Screen)
fast     - Build time for first time 5 years less (Purchase window)
resupply - Re-supply ship (Ship Report Screen)

* Protect your Colony Ships. Dispatch Escorts to guard them if they
  are moving several warp points from your home region. You never 
  know whom you may run into. Also, once the colony is established,
  don't forget to sprinkle troops and ships in that area. You need 
  to protect your new investment. 

* There's strength in numbers. If there's anything useful we've 
  gleaned from watching the hit show Survivor, it's this: set up
  alliances in the early stages of a game. 
  Try to choose civilizations that complement each other's strengths
  and weaknesses. 

* There's strength in numbers, part two: When you wage war against 
  a particular empire, make sure you have amassed enough quality 
  armaments to handle the job in a quick and efficient manner. 
  Otherwise, you'll soon be sorry you picked a fight.
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