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Smooth Operators Cheats

Smooth Operators

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Once you've started the game, be sure to lower the game speed to the lowest setting.
Then click Game Menu, Your see a list of options. Click on "Enter Code" then type in 
the code of your choosing. Then start building and speed up the simulation as wanted.
These codes work with xbox 360 and pc version.

Effect                            Code
Adds $1,000,000 to your money   - dante
Everyone is happy               - becca
Everything is upgradeable       - bengan
Increased Workloads             - kyrksten
Max Build Height                - gustafsson
Reset the Simulation            - reset

-=These only apply to the official PC version=-
After starting the game, slow down the speed to the lowest settings then click Game 
Menu. A list of options will appear. Click Enter Code and type one of the following 
codes. These codes are pc, but may work on xbox 360 (though the 360 isn't confirmed 
yet.) Then do what you want and speed up the simulator as you want.

Effect                                 Code
All items unlocked                   - indiegamerchick
Get a new contract tomorrow          - snickerdoodle
Increase working hours for employees - balbin
More birds                           - all these birds
Sniper Mode!                         - kill the birds
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