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Skateboard Park Tycoon 2004 Cheats

Skateboard Park Tycoon 2004

Cheat Codes:
Update by: Madhav Anand
Update by: Haspa
Submitted by: conner54

Enter one of the following codes during game play.

Result                      Code 
Enable in-game cheat keys - iamacheater  
Enable debug mode         - catdebug  
Unknown                   - moviecapture  
Unknown                   - enginedebug 

In-game cheat keys:
Press one of the following key combinations after enabling the 
iamacheater code to activate the cheat function.

Result                        Code 
Additional $10,000          - [Ctrl] + M  
Additional skaters          - [Alt] + Z  
Bonus, Practice and Skaters - [Alt] + C

Floating building:
Place a piece in the Seattle level. Left click the piece, then click 
on the camera. Then, press [Shift] to zoom out. Arrange the camera so 
that you are looking away from the water where the boat is located. 
Look to the right. You will see a fenced off area containing some 
buildings. Go that way. Turn the camera the way it was facing before, 
but now looking at the buildings. Have the camera go down (level with 
the ground) and zoom in on the nearest white building. Zoom out just 
enough so that you can see the bottom of the building. 
Look at it at an angle from beneath. Notice that some of the building 
is not there.
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