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Severed Steel Cheats

Severed Steel

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K 

How to Hit Level 80 in Fire Fight + Cheat:
Written by Brady

This guide will show you what I think are the best ways to reach level 80 in 
Fire Fight. Also, general tips on Firefight, mutators, and difficulty.

Before following this guide I would recommend playing through Fire Fight first. 
Playing through Fire Fight will allow you to unlock levels, weapons, arm cannons, 
and mutators.

-=Here is what is required for this guide=-
* Checkpoint (Level)
* Warrior Monk (Mutator)
* Floor is Lava (Mutator)
* Sharpened Steel (Difficulty)

-=How to Reach Level 80=-
My method for reaching level 80 is to play Checkpoint as many times as you need 
to level up. Checkpoint is a small map which will help you complete it quickly. 
The mutators and difficulty will help you to achieve level 80.

-=Run 10=-
71,100 – 1:48.87

-=Run 2=-
74,400 – 1:25.29

-=Run 3=-
67,500 – 1:52.60

Leveling up is based on score. 
The score is accumulated in-game but can also be affected by Difficulty and Mutators.

You want to use mutators that have at least a 1.1 rating.

[1.1+ Recommended]
Floor is Lava X 2.0
Warrior Monk X 1.5
Limited Slow Mo X 1.1

[1.0 Only use if it makes it easier/faster]
Paintball X 1.0
Melee Gibs Enemies X 1.0
One in The Chamber X 1.0
Scary Lighting X 1.0
Like Water X 1.0
Steelcraft X 1.0
Triple Threat X 1.0
Thrust Cannon X 1.0

[<1.0 Not Recommended] – Will decrease score
Cloaked X 0.8
Low Gravity X 0.5
Big Heads X 0.5
Enemies Explode on Death X 0.5

[<1.0 + Cheats DO NOT USE] – Cheats will result in 0 score
See Through Walls X 0.8 (Cheat)
Steelcrawler X 0.8 (Cheat)
Superkick X 0.8 (Cheat)
Super Slide X 0.5 (Cheat)
Explosive Ammo X 0.5 (Cheat)
Bulletproof X 0.0 (Cheat)
Unlimited Ammo X 0.0 (Cheat)

Leveling up is based on score. The score is accumulated in-game but can also 
be affected by Difficulty and Mutators.

The harder the difficulty = the more points

Cold Steel      - Does not effect final score
Tempered Steel  - Increases final score by 10%
Severed Steel   - Increases final score by 20%
Sharpened Steel - Increases final score by 100%
Molten Steel    - Increases final score by 200%

I found Molten Steel was too hard and sometimes I wouldn’t finish the level 
or I’d have to try 1,000,000 times.
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