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Serious Sam 4 Cheats

Serious Sam 4

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Press ~ (or the key above Tab) and enter this to enable cheats:
cht_bEnableCheats = 3. 

The following codes are case sensitive. Cheats will disable Achievements 
and Leaderboard scoring. You can type cht and hit Tab to see a full list 
of cheats.
Effect                               Code
Auto aim cheat                     - cht_bAutoAim
Display all the messages in  
NETRICSA                           - cht_bShowAllNetricsaMessages
Enemies can't see you              - cht_bInvisible
Fly around and pass through walls  - cht_bGhost
Fly around                         - cht_bFly
Gives a specified amount of ammo 
for a specified weapon             - chtGiveAmmo()
Gives a specified amount of armor  - ch_slGiveArmor
Gives a specified amount of health - cht_slGiveHealth
Gives a specified weapon           - chtGiveWeapon()
Gives all available weapons and 
maximum ammo                       - cht_bGiveAll
God mode                           - cht_bGod
Greatly increased speed            - cht_bTurbo
Infinite Ammo                      - cht_bInfiniteAmmo
Kill all enemies in line of sight 
except for bosses                  - cht_bKillAll
Kill the current boss              - cht_bKillBoss
Unlocks Mental Mode                - cht_bUnlockMentalMode
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