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Sea Hunt Cheats

Sea Hunt

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Enter "CHEATER" as your name. With the sound on during the game play,
move the pointer from one grid square to the next one slowly. You will
year a two tone beep when the pointer is over a square that is 
occupied by a CPU ship. 

Change message speed:
Press [Minus] to slow the scrolling of the CPU messages or [Plus] to
speed it up. 

Birthday message:
Set the system date to July 14. Press "I" at the "System Setup" menu
to display the background information about the game. 
The song "Happy Birthday" will play on the second background information
and the message "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER" will appear.

Birthday Tribute:
If you play Sea Hunt on July 14 and select the option to display some 
background information about Sea Hunt on the System Setup Menu ("I" key),
the program will play the "Happy Birthday" song when the second 
Background Info screen is displayed, and the message "HAPPY BIRTHDAY 
PETER" will appear. This is a tribute to my good friend, Peter Karwowski,
whose birthday happens to fall on July 14, and who championed my efforts
in writing the game and encouraged me to release it to the public.
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