Samurai Gunn 2
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Unlock the Extra Weapons:
Written by treepizzahello
A guide for editing your save to permanently unlock all three extra
weapons in Samurai Gunn 2 for use in vs. mode.
Currently only two of the three weapons are unlockable in adventure mode,
so this guide will be helpful even if you've unlocked both of those already.
* Open an Explorer window and type %localappdata% in the address bar.
* Open the folder SamuraiGunn_SilkQuest2.
* Open the file "questdata1.sgq" in a text editor.
* Find the part of the file that reads something like "weapons":{"0":1}.
* Change the part found in step 4 to read "weapons":{"0":1,"1":1,"2":1,"3":1}.
* Save and close the file "questdata1.sgq"
If you're like me, and holding off playing adventure mode until v1.0, you may
not have a save file to edit. In that case, simply open a text editor and paste
the following, {"weapons":{"0":1,"1":1,"2":1,"3":1}} then save as "questdata1.sgq".
It should also go without saying that you can sanitize your save file to only
contain the weapons progress with this last method if you like.
Note that as of EA2, you still need to load in to adventure mode when starting
the game in order for your save and weapons to be recognized in vs. mode.
How to Debug Game Menu for Single Player Mode – Early Access:
Writen by By SnepShark
These only impact the singleplayer mode. If you can’t restrain yourself from using
cheats, and would like to experience the singleplayer as it was made, don’t read
this guide!
-=Accessing the menu and using it=-
* Hold down either ctrl key.
* Look in the upper right corner of the screen.
* Press the number key corresponding to the option you would like to activate.
-=What does each option do?=-
They’re all fairly self explanatory, thanks to their helpful labels, but here’s a
rundown of each one.
Teleports you about 1/2 a screen to the left on the singplayer map screen, ignoring
If you get stuck out of bounds (beyond the walls of the singleplayer map), walk around
the map until you find an area where you can teleport back inside, such as the cured
eye thingy in the upper right corner of the map.
2. Wipe Progress
This must be used on the main menu, unlike the rest of the options.
As it says, this resets your progress in the singleplayer mode, removing all unlocked
3. Unlock -> Rise -> Destroy Nearest Level
Walk near a level on the singleplayer map screen, then activate this. Depending on if
it is already unlocked/risen/destroyed, it will move the level into its next state,
allowing you to progress past it, regardless of whether or not you beat the level.
4. Equip Fast Sword
Honestly, I’m not far enough into the singleplayer to know what each of the weapons
does, but this one apparently gives you a fast sword.
If I had to guess, I’d say that this might not obtainable through normal gameplay,
since it’s located outside of the “Unlock All Weapons” cheat, but I can’t claim to
actually know that, haha.
5. Equip Shuriken
Again, I’m not sure what this does for you since I don’t want to spoil my singleplayer
experience (beyond deleting my progress after messing about with these for a bit), but it
replaces your bullet’s sprite with a shuriken.
6. Restart Room
When used inside of a singleplayer level, this quickly resets it without the need to return
to the map screen.
When used on the map screen, it moves you to the nearest level.
(Even levels that have not been unlocked)
7. Unlock All Weapons
Just like all weapon-related codes, I have very little clue what this does, beyond
playing a “YOOOO!!!” sound effect.
8. Get Difficult Enemy Curse
Did you lose your curse after failing a level too many times (I definitely have!)?
Well, here’s an easy way to get it back.
This replaces all enemies with harder versions and gives the player a nifty trail
-=Closing words=-
For all I know, this might not stay in after Early Access is over (or, y’know, the
next update comes out), but I love it when stuff like this is included in a game.
Giving players the option to tackle singleplayer content however they would like is
awesome. I know I wouldn’t have spent nearly as much time in Doom or A Short Hike if
it weren’t for the fun added by their cheat codes.
I mean, this might be a bit easy to access, but thanks to everything being labeled
nicely I don’t think anyone is going to accidentally erase their save, and if they
did, they could get most of it back easily with these codes. (I’m not sure about
weapon unlocks, and cursed level completion cannot be restored)
These may be mundane by cheat code standards, but being able to make a game easier
or harder is always a good thing.
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accessible from one central location. (Release date January 11, 2025)
- All Cheats and Codes inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.
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