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Hugo House of Horrors Cheats

Hugo House of Horrors

Complements of JMG, MJP, and lots of people....

1. Kick Pumpkin
2. get key
3. open door

arrow keys to walk inside
arrow keys to go upstairs
go to first room

4. open door

arrow keys to walk inside, go to closet

5. open door
6. get mask

arrow keys out of the room to next room (bathroom)

7. open door

arrow keys to mirror area

8. look at mirror  (note that it says 333)

arrow keys out of bathroom to next room 
arrow keys to go inside machine as asked
arrow keys to leave machine after being shrunk
arrow keys to behind glass doors to table

9. look
10. get bung

arrow keys back into machine

11. igor press red button

arrow keys out of machine, go to door

12. open door

if it says "you are unable in your present condition", re-enter the 
machine and repeat steps 11 and 12 until you get out of the room.

at door, stop and 

13. get mask

arrow keys down the stairs

14. put on mask

arrow keys into the room on the right, when the butler asks you if 
you would like a "chop", 

15. yes

arrow keys out of the room

16. take off mask

arrow keys to little door under the stairs

17. look under stairs
18. get knife
19. get whistle

arrow keys to the little table

20. get candle

arrow keys through door at rear of room 
arrow keys through door ar rear of kitchen
arrow keys down path to shed door

21. open door
22. 333

arrow keys into the shed

23. look
24. get oil can

arrow keys out of the shed
arrow keys back into the house
arrow keys into the kitchen, go to door at left side, but don't 
go through door yet.

***  At this point it would be wise to 'save the game', see F1 
for instructions. ****

25. throw chop  (do not press [enter] yet)

arrow keys through door, press the [enter] key as soon as the next 
room appears on the screen.  This will keep the dog from eating you.  

***  restore the saved game if the dog ate you ***

arrow keys to the right side of the rug

26. lift rug
27. oil bolt
28. unlock bolt
29. open trap door

you are in the basement

***  save game at this point ***
30. blow whistle (do not press enter yet)

arrow keys through gap between two big rocks on right

***as soon as next screen appears, press the [enter] key ***

arrow keys past the bats, do not touch any bats or you are dead.
arrow keys through passage at rear of cave

*** as soon as next screen appears, arrow keys to left side of left 
rock as quickly as possible, mummy will come very quickly but will 
position on right side of rock and wait ***

****  save game at this point ! ****

arrow key towards back wall, as soon as Mummy starts after you, reverse 
direction and head towards front of cave, if all goes well, the Mummy 
will get stuck.  If all doesn't go well GOTCHA.  
If Mummy gets you, restore last saved game and try again.

arrow keys to the gold

31. get gold

arrow keys through coffin, the Mummy will start chasing you, be quick.

you are in the lake room

arrow keys to the boat

32. cut rope
33. look
34. plug hole with bung
35. get in boat
36. push

you are at the old man

**** save the game at this point ! ****

37. talk to man

He asks many difficult questions, answers are:

38. bilbo
39. narnia
40. bram stoker
41. c
42. man
43. bullet
44. yes

45. get out of boat
arrow keys through passage to the right

arrow keys to guard

46. give guard money

arrow keys into the jail

You have saved Penelope!
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