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Hokko Life Cheats

Hokko Life

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Manually Have Multiple Save Files:
* This only works if you keep cloud disabled. 
* Enabling cloud may lead to accidental overriding of other saves..
* Go to: Users/Appdata/Roaming/Wonderscope/Hokko Life/SaveData/
* Here you will find a file that is labeled 01, rename this file 02.
* Each additional file go up one more number.
* When ever you want to change saves name the file you want to play 01. 
* If it helps you keep track you can name anything but the 01 folder 
  anything you want, but the active folder must always be named 01.
* If you want to keep a backup file, simply create a copy of any of 
  the files and place them in a secure location.

How to Get Ores / Steel Pickaxe:
* Iron ore is obtainable on the right side of the mines. 
* There are about three rocks you can break each day that will drop it.
* You can craft it into steel using Iron and Coal. However, to create
  the steel pickaxe also requires redwood.
* You can find those trees by going to the first forest area, and taking 
  the long path to the right. You will have to blow up the rock there 
  with a bomb, and then you can get the redwood for the recipe 
  (the recipe is purchased at Sally’s).
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