Here Comes Niko
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Speed Friend:
Written by Cinovel
Have no time to chill? In a hurry? Or do you just want to make friends quick?
If you say yes to any or all of these, then this guide is for you! Also you
should try to catch a break at some point and care for your digital pet.
Seriously, that snail is one of the cutest things that deserves to be protected
and cared for, no matter how quick on your feet you are.
-=Fastest Friend Alive A Guide for Speed Friends=-
I’ll be going over the basics as well as some of the more advanced tricks I’ve
discovered so far. And add new ones as I find them, so do take notes!
And you better take good care of your digital snails too!
They deserve all the love, care, and protection they can get!
-=Chapter 1 The Basics! – Here Comes Niko Speed Friend=-
Like they all say: You have to learn to crawl before you stand, and you have
to learn to stand before you walk.
Here I’ll show you the basic feats Niko can perform!
Starting off with the default controls, they can:
* Run with the WASD keys on keyboard or the left thumbstick on a controller
* Look around with the mouse on keyboard or right thumbstick on a controller
* Jump with the space bar or A/X on an Xbox or PlayStation controller
* Perform actions like talking with fellow friends using the Q key or the
B/Circle button
* Dive with the E key or with the X/Square button
* If these controls feel awkward to you, you can change the bindings in the
Controller/Keyboard & Mouse settings at any time! I only had to change my
dive button to my right trigger since I was more used to that in A Hat in Time.
As for the things Niko can do on the surface, they are able to:
* Climb walls by jumping or diving into them
(they will just hang there if no buttons are pressed)
* Dive multiple times to get from point A to point B faster than running alone
* Jump from or dive from walls by pressing the respective buttons
* Be one of the most adorable main characters in a platformer alongside
Hat Kid and Celeste
* These are all of the things Niko can do when looking at the game through a
basic understanding of platformer games, but those who are willing to look
deeper will discover some neat elements about Here Comes Niko. Fellow Speed
Friends, join me as we delve deep into the mechanics of the game, as well as
some more advanced ways to get around and make friends!
-=Chapter 2 The Double Jump=-
Because every platformer character needs one, right?
So you want to discover secret tricks in getting around faster? Alrighty!
Remember, this is a work in progress, so if more discoveries are made,
they’ll be added here!
First up, we have a fairly basic technique known as:
* The Double Jump
* Normally, Niko can only jump once before having to land again to get it back,
and the jump itself is somewhat low to the ground, so unless they’re next to a
wall, they won’t jump very high. However, there is a trick to jump higher up
and get over certain obstacles faster, or reach places that would be harder or
impossible otherwise.
* Mild spoiler for an ability you can get later on in the game: That is, unless
you have the super jump available, which can be obtained later on in the game
from my understanding.
To perform the double jump, you dive, and almost right after you jump up from it,
press the jump button. If you don’t press the jump button during a dive, Niko will
automatically jump up with a distinctive (and cute) sound. There is a moment in
just a few frames of the jump (yes, we’re talking frame data now) where you can
press the jump button to jump again. Somewhat complex for a double jump, but at
least they have one!
In the context of a speed run, this can be really useful if you need some extra
height to scale a wall faster than normal, but you have to dive into it right,
not hitting it, but landing almost right in front of it.
You may have to shorten the distance of your dive somewhat to pull it off. You
can do that by holding the opposite direction of which Niko is diving.
You can also use it in certain situations in a volley, like when you dive for
the ball, but have to go a bit higher to pass it back!
While practicing, I recommend trying this technique on the front of the train,
since you’ll know you’re doing it right if you can get on top of it in a single
Small tip for a bit more extra height: Dive into a wall after a wall jump to
jump up another time and gain extra height, as well as being able to climb up
that same wall again. This is assuming you haven’t used up a dive in the air
yet. I don’t have a name for this trick yet, but I thought about putting it
in anyways since it can be really convenient to learn.
CheatBook DataBase 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, tips, tricks
and cheats (for PC Cheats, Walkthroughs, PSP, Sega, iPhone, Wii U, Playstation, Playstation
2, XBox, Playstation 3, Nintendo 64, DVD, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color,
N-Gage, Nintendo DS, gamecube, XBox 360, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily
accessible from one central location. (Release date January 07, 2024)
- All Cheats and Codes inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.
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