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Hard Reset Cheats

Hard Reset

Steam achievements:
Submitted by: MaziD

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. 
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", 
"View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Armoured                      : Buy all Combat Gear Upgrades. 
Avenging Angel                : Kill 2000 enemies using environmental damage only. 
Bad Boy                       : Kill 100 enemies. 
Big Brother's Eyes            : Destroy 20 CCTV cameras. 
Boredom No More (Tier: Easy)  : Kill a Heavy Grenadier within 30 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Boredom No More (Tier: Hard)  : Kill a Heavy Grenadier within 30 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Boredom No More (Tier: Insane): Kill a Heavy Grenadier within 30 seconds on difficulty Insane. 
Boredom No More (Tier: Normal): Kill a Heavy Grenadier within 30 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Chinese Farmer                : Unlock all achievements. 
Colonel                       : Complete the game on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Death Incarnate               : Kill 10000 enemies. 
Electrician                   : Buy all N.R.G. Weapon Upgrades. 
Elite                         : Collect 41 full N.A.N.O. bars. 
Engineer                      : Buy all CLN Firearm Upgrades. 
Enraged (Tier: Easy)          : Kill 30 enemies within 20 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Enraged (Tier: Hard)          : Kill 30 enemies within 20 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Enraged (Tier: Insane)        : Kill 30 enemies within 20 seconds on difficulty Insane. 
Enraged (Tier: Normal)        : Kill 30 enemies within 20 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Extermination (Tier: Easy)    : Kill 20 enemies with one shot on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Extermination (Tier: Hard)    : Kill 20 enemies with one shot on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Extermination (Tier: Insane)  : Kill 20 enemies with one shot on difficulty Insane. 
Extermination (Tier: Normal)  : Kill 20 enemies with one shot on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Furious (Tier: Easy)          : Kill 20 enemies within 15 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Furious (Tier: Hard)          : Kill 20 enemies within 15 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Furious (Tier: Insane)        : Kill 20 enemies within 15 seconds on difficulty Insane. 
Furious (Tier: Normal)        : Kill 20 enemies within 15 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher. 
General                       : Complete the game on difficulty Insane. 
Hawk Eye                      : Shoot down a Zeppelin. 
Hooligan                      : Destroy 500 destructible items. 
Immortal                      : Complete any other level than the first one with no deaths on 
                                difficulty Insane. 
Immune                        : Complete any other level than the first one with no deaths on 
                                difficulty Hard. 
Killer                        : Kill 1000 enemies. 
Mechanic (Tier: Easy)         : Destroy the Caul-Dron on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Mechanic (Tier: Hard)         : Destroy the Caul-Dron on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Mechanic (Tier: Insane)       : Destroy the Caul-Dron on difficulty Insane. 
Mechanic (Tier: Normal)       : Destroy the Caul-Dron on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Monkey Business (Tier: Easy)  : Kill a Gorilla within 5 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Monkey Business (Tier: Hard)  : Kill a Gorilla within 5 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Monkey Business (Tier: Insane): Kill a Gorilla within 5 seconds on difficulty Insane. 
Monkey Business (Tier: Normal): Kill a Gorilla within 5 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Naughty                       : Destroy 50 destructible items. 
No Bananas Today (Tier: Easy) : Kill 2 Gorillas within 20 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher. 
No Bananas Today (Tier: Hard) : Kill 2 Gorillas within 20 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher. 
No Bananas Today (Tier:Insane): Kill 2 Gorillas within 20 seconds on difficulty Insane. 
No Bananas Today (Tier        : Normal): Kill 2 Gorillas within 20 seconds on difficulty Normal 
                                or higher. 
Overkill (Tier: Easy)         : Kill 10 enemies with one shot on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Overkill (Tier: Hard)         : Kill 10 enemies with one shot on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Overkill (Tier: Insane)       : Kill 10 enemies with one shot on difficulty Insane. 
Overkill (Tier: Normal)       : Kill 10 enemies with one shot on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Patient (Tier: Easy)          : Kill a Heavy Grenadier on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Patient (Tier: Hard)          : Kill a Heavy Grenadier on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Patient (Tier: Insane)        : Kill a Heavy Grenadier on difficulty Insane. 
Patient (Tier: Normal)        : Kill a Heavy Grenadier on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Perceptive                    : Find 5 secrets. 
Pissed Off (Tier: Easy)       : Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Pissed Off (Tier: Hard)       : Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Pissed Off (Tier: Insane)     : Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds on difficulty Insane. 
Pissed Off (Tier: Normal)     : Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Power Down (Tier: Easy)       : Destroy the Atlas on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Power Down (Tier: Hard)       : Destroy the Atlas on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Power Down (Tier: Insane)     : Destroy the Atlas on difficulty Insane. 
Power Down (Tier: Normal)     : Destroy the Atlas on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Pyromaniac                    : Blow up 50 explosive barrels. 
Resistant                     : Complete any other level than the first one with no deaths on 
                                difficulty Normal. 
Retaliation                   : Kill 200 enemies using environmental damage only. 
Retirement (Tier: Easy)       : Kill 5 enemies with one shot on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Retirement (Tier: Hard)       : Kill 5 enemies with one shot on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Retirement (Tier: Insane)     : Kill 5 enemies with one shot on difficulty Insane. 
Retirement (Tier: Normal)     : Kill 5 enemies with one shot on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Revenge                       : Kill 20 enemies using environmental damage only. 
Rookie                        : Collect 10 full N.A.N.O. bars. 
Searcher                      : Find 25 secrets. 
Sergeant                      : Complete the game on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Suicide Mission (Tier: Easy)  : Destroy the 'Shrimp' Construction Machine on difficulty Easy or higher. 
Suicide Mission (Tier: Hard)  : Destroy the 'Shrimp' Construction Machine on difficulty Hard or higher. 
Suicide Mission (Tier: Insane): Destroy the 'Shrimp' Construction Machine on difficulty Insane. 
Suicide Mission (Tier: Normal): Destroy the 'Shrimp' Construction Machine on difficulty Normal or higher. 
Treasure Hunter               : Find all the secrets in the game. 
Vandal                        : Destroy 5000 destructible items. 
Veteran                       : Collect 20 full N.A.N.O. bars.

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