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Dreamscaper Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Character Gift Guide:
Written by suelo

A guide on which character 'prefers' gifts you craft in your Dream Journal. 
Giving characters the 'correct' gift will help you build your relationships 
faster, unlocking new skills, weapons, interactions, etc.

Which Character Prefers Gifts You Craft

This guide is ongoing, but low level gifts will help a lot when giving them to 
the 'correct' characters and will help you develop relationships with characters 
faster, in turn unlocking new abilities and weapons in the prologue full release!

Gifts are crafted in the 2nd tab of the Dream Journal located near your bed with 
resources you collect on your runs. Certain resources can only be gathered in 
higher levels. Characters can be found at any random location at any time, you 
will usually have enough time to check all three locations (Bar, Cafe, Bookshop) 
when waking up.

Chit-chatting will give you a small amount of progress with each character, but 
will cost thirty minutes. Alongside giving the correct gift, chit-chatting helps 
you find out more about each character's interests and can give you a clue as 
to which character would prefer in terms of gifts. 
The character descriptions can be found on the 3rd tab of the dream journal.

-=1 Star Gifts=-
Hand Made Coaster: Eve and Alison*
Sketch of a Mighty Heroine: Alison
Abstract Poem: Bruce
Painting of a Serene Landscape: Eve and Tamal
Photo of the Redhaven Streets: Tamal and Bruce
Artistic Photo From Trip Abroad: Eve and Tamal*
Whimsical Sonnet: Bruce and Alison*

-=2 Star Gifts=-
Cool Beat Poem: Tamal*
Pencil Study of Downtown: Bruce
Postcard of Redhaven: Eve
Hand-drawn Movie Poster: Alison*
Notebook with Illustrated Cover: Bruce
Fox-Shaped Cookies: Tamal and Alison
Painting of a Far-away Land: Eve and Tamal*

-=3 Star Gifts=-
Carved Walking Stick: Tamal*
Miniature Sculpture of a Puppy: Alison
Striking Watercolor of a Sunset: Eve*
Beautiful Aerial Photo: Tamal and Eve*
Picturebook: Alison and Eve*
Homemade Oven Mitts: Tamal and Bruce*
Fantastical Short Story: Bruce and Eve and Alison*

-=4 Star Gifts=-
Rustic Mug: Alison*
Hand-carved Pocket Knife: Tamal
Miniature of Redhaven Theater: Bruce
Embroidered Hand Towel: Tamal and Bruce*

-=5 Star Gifts=-
Photo of a Biker Convoy: Tamal and Eve*
Illustration of a Classical Musician: Bruce` and Alison` and Fernando`
Hand-made Duffel Bag: Tamal` and Carl`
Prehistoric Joke Collection: Bruce and Alison
Salvaged Leather Belt: Fernando'

-=6 Star Gifts=-
Exquisite Turned Pen: Bruce* and Eve' and Tamal' and Carl'
Tryptic of a Famous Knight: Burce' and Alison' and Carl'
Miniature Oak Cask: Eve*
Playing Card of Historical Figures: Bruce' and Fernando'

Dreamscaper Gift Guide:
Written by lyravega

Just a cheat-sheet about gifts.

Hand-made Coaster
Painting of a Serene Landscape
Artistic Photo From Trip Abroad
Postcard of Redhaven
Painting of a Far-away Land
Striking Watercolor of a Sunset
Beautiful Aerial Photo
Fantastical Short Story
Photo of a Biker Convoy
Exquisite Turned Pen
Miniature Oak Cask

Painting of a Serene Landscape
Photo of Redhaven Streets
Artistic Photo From Trip Abroad
Cool Beat Poem
Fox-Shaped Cookies
Painting of a Far-away Land
Vibrant Reusable Water Bottle
Ceramic Pencil Holder
Carved Walking Stick
Beautiful Aerial Photo
Homemade Oven Mitts
Hand-carved Pocket Knife
Embroidered Hand Towel
Photo of a Biker Convoy
Hand-made Duffel Bag
Exquisite Turned Pen

Abstract Poem
Photo of Redhaven Streets
Whimsical Sonnet
Illustration of Historic Redhaven
Pencil Study of Downtown
Notebook with Illustrated Cover
Homemade Oven Mitts
Miniature of Redhaven Theater
Embroidered Hand Towel
Fantastical Short Story
Illustration of Classical Musician
Exquisite Turned Pen
Tryptic of a Famous Knight
Playing Cards of Historical Figures

Hand-made Coaster
Sketch of a Mighty Heroine
Whimsical Sonnet
Sleek Earplug Case
Hand-drawn Movie Poster
Fox-Shaped Cookies
Miniature Sculpture of a Puppy
Rustic Mug
Silkscreen Band T-Shirt
Fantastical Short Story
Illustration of Classical Musician
Tryptic of a Famous Knight

Hand-made Coaster
Sweat Bands with Geometric Pattern
Illustration of Historic Redhaven
Hand-drawn Movie Poster
Vibrant Reusable Water Bottle
Stunning Watercolor of an Actor
Exercise Mixtape
Patched-up Sweater
Painted Bicycle Helmet
Rustic Mug
Illustration of Classical Musician
Salvaged Leather Belt
Playing Cards of Historical Figures

Sketch of a Mighty Heroine
Abstract Poem
Whimsical Sonnet
Sweat Bands with Geometric Pattern
Notebook with Illustrated Cover
Vibrant Reusable Water Bottle
Painting of the Cosmos
Exercise Mixtape
Futuristic Sunglasses
Fantastical Short Story
Hand-made Duffel Bag
Exquisite Turned Pen
Tryptic of a Famous Knight

Hand-made Coaster
Sweat Bands with Geometric Pattern
Sleek Earplug Case
Seashell Earrings
Vibrant Reusable Water Bottle
Exercise Mixtape
Patched-up Sweater
Futuristic Sunglasses
Rustic Mug
Silkscreen Band T-Shirt
Illustration of Classical Musician
Salvaged Leather Belt
Playing Cards of Historical Figures
Miniature Oak Cask

-=Weekly Schedule=-
Here’s a weekly schedule of the various characters:

Caspecci Cafe – Tamal, Alison
Alexandria Books – Bruce
Silk Lounge – Eve
Taylor Park – Carl, Fernando

Caspecci Cafe – Fernando
Alexandria Books – Alison, Carl
Silk Lounge – Eve, Bruce
Taylor Park – Tamal

Caspecci Cafe – Carl, Bruce
Alexandria Books – Fernando, Tamal
Silk Lounge – Eve
Taylor Park – Alison

Caspecci Cafe – Tamal
Alexandria Books – Alison, Fernando
Silk Lounge – Eve, Carl
Taylor Park – Bruce

Caspecci Cafe – Bruce
Alexandria Books – Alison
Silk Lounge – Eve, Fernando, Tamal
Taylor Park – Carl

Caspecci Cafe – Alison
Alexandria Books – Carl
Silk Lounge – Fernando, Eve
Taylor Park – Bruce, Tamal

Caspecci Cafe – Alison, Fernando
Alexandria Books – Tamal
Silk Lounge – Eve, Bruce
Taylor Park – Carl

Guide to Explained Secret Rooms (Where and How to Find):
Written by LT2483 

Ever want to always find that secret room? Also want a backdoor into blocked rooms? 
Well now you have a way!

-=What Are Secret Rooms?=-
Ever noticed that you don't get 100% completion when finishing a level, or that there 
is an achievement to find a secret room? Secret rooms are a hidden room found on each 
level that contain an item, and require bombing a certain area on each level to open.

As well as 100% floor completion and a free item, opening secret rooms can have other 
benefits as well, covered later in this guide!

-=Getting Into Secret Rooms=-
Secret rooms are opened by bombing the the place a gate would normally spawn of an empty 
wall in an adjacent room to the secret room. The bomb has to be fairly close, but does 
have a good amount of leeway. This will open a special looking gate in all rooms adjacent
to the secret room. Just walk though any of these gates to gain entry.

-=Finding Secret Rooms=-
There are ways to find the location of secret rooms, some easier than others. When put 
together though, you should always be finding the secret room on each level!

When a bomb is dropped in a room, if that room is adjacent to a secret room, a spot will 
appear on the wall that indicates that you can bomb there to gain access to the secret 
room. This spot is wavery patch (like hot air) with bright lights floating around. 
Make sure to look for this patch whenever you have dropped a bomb in a room.

Secret rooms will always spawn with 3 or 4 adjacent rooms, with none of the adjacent rooms 
being the boss room. Make sure to remember this, to identify valid spawn locations.

All adjacent rooms will have a place to open the secret room. Once the room is open, it 
will open itself for all adjacent rooms, without having to bomb the other places.

When bombing a pile, if you think a secret room could be adjacent, try to position the 
bomb around the edge of the pile so it's close to where the secret room access could be.

This has a chance to save you a bomb. Even if it doesn't, it will reveal the shimmer from 
point 1 if there is a secret room adjacent.

If, when you have cleared all the non-boss rooms, you still haven't found the secret room, 
make note of all the valid spawn locations for it (see point 2). For each of those possible
locations, visit all the adjacent rooms. If any of the adjacent rooms has been bombed (a 
colourful circle will be left on the ground at the location of the bomb) and there is no 
shimmer (see point 1), then it's not a possible location. Once you have determined all the 
possible locations, you should be left with only a few, or even one location. First, if 
there is a room adjacent to multiple possible locations, then go to that one. Bomb one of
the empty walls, witch will either open the secret room, reveal a shimmer on the wall you
didn't bomb, or reveal that both possible locations don't have the secret room. Second, 
go to rooms adjacent to possible locations that have 4 adjacent rooms. 

Bomb the adjacent wall, and you will open the room or reveal the room isn't at the location. 
Third, do the same as the 4 rooms for the 3 rooms. Somewhere in this process you will open 
the secret room.

-=Secret Rooms as Backdoors=-
Secret rooms have another function. While rooms that require bombs and/or keys to open 
normally only have the one closed-off entry point, if a secret room spawns adjacent to them,
entry to the closed room via the secret room will not be blocked! 

To take full advantage of this, when clearing a level, do every room that isn't the boss 
room or a blocked room. Then, if the secret room is yet to be found, follow point 5 from 
the previous section, but add this as the first priority for rooms to bomb: Any room that
is adjacent to a possible secret room, and has a bomb-blocked gate to another room. Bomb 
the blocked gate, don't go though (yet), and check for the shimmer on the wall adjacent 
to the possible secret room. For no shimmer, the secret room isn't there.
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