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CSI - Crime Scene Investigation - Fatal Conspiracy Cheats

CSI - Crime Scene Investigation - Fatal Conspiracy

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding award.

A Tough Job       - Identify both samples of DNA on the garment from 
                    John Barrett's room.
All Washed Up     - Complete Case 4: All Washed Up.
Boss Fight        - Complete Case 5: Boss Fight.
Flash Baked       - Complete Case 1: Flash Baked.
Fool Me Once      - Complete a case with at least 65% Cunning.
Human Polygraph   - Complete a case with 100% Cunning.
I Like to Watch   - Watch a movie from the Case File.
No Stone Unturned - Complete a case with 100% Thoroughness.
Not up to Code    - Confront Pete Baxa about asbestos in the spa.
Planting Evidence - Complete Case 2: Planting Evidence.
Reading Is Fun    - Open the Case File.
Research Grant    - Complete a case with at least 90% Skill.
Scavenger Hunt    - Find all evidence in Case 2: Planting Evidence.
Smoke the Hive    - Find enough evidence to destroy Beatriz Salazar's 
                    drug empire.
Tapped Out        - Complete Case 3: Tapped Out. 
Test Tube Washer  - Complete a case with at least 65% Skill.
Under the Hood    - Visit the Options Menu.
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