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Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II Cheats

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Level Warp and Invulnerability:
In-game, simultaneously hold LB + RB + X + Y + B + A, then press Start.

Level 10, 45 Skill Points and 500,000 Gold:
In-game, hold LB + RB + X + Y + A + B, then press LT

How to Duplicate Items for Fun and Profit:
Written by Nekot

This is for players who wish to duplicate their items, whether 
they are short on cash, are stuck in a particular part of the game, 
or just want to have fun.

1.Save your game.
2.Drop the items you want to duplicate.
3.Open the Menu and select “Change Players…”.
4.Press Y button or type Z.
5.Select the game that you saved.
6.Press A or type Enter.
7.Press A or type Enter.
8.Press A or type Enter.

How to Fix Game Speed:
Written by Sylvia

Game runs at extremely high framerate which causes the game to be 
played at extremely high framerate.

* Run with V-Sync On

-=Solution 2=-
* Hold down Alt and Enter on your keyboard to run in Windowed mode.
* Run with Borderless Gaming Software to run the game in Windowed 
  (Borderless Fullscreen) mode.
* Then use either NVIDIA Control Panel or RTSS to cap your framerate at 60fps
  since framerate is tied to game physics, otherwise the game would be played
  at extremely fast speed!
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