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Art of War: Red Tides Cheats

Art of War: Red Tides

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Prof Lachesis: Rewards from Neutral Units:
Written by Investrum

This guide is news from the game for mobile devices. 
It contains a description of all the maps.

-=Neutral Units=-
Neutral units do not fight for either team. Some even attack both teams to prevent 
them from marching forward. However, destroying neutral units grants bonus rewards 
and/or buff and helps the team dominate the battlefield. In this regard, neutral 
units may greatly impact or even change the battle.

Art of War: Red Tides offers 3 random maps: Forest of Soul Essence, Black Mine and 
Sunset Canyon, where dwell different neutral units. Destroying them can earn different 

-=Forest of Soul Essence=-
Dragon Egg: Grants 15 EXP to the player who destroyed it, and 150 soul essence to each 
member of this player's team.

Large Dragon Egg: Grants 60 EXP to the player who destroyed it, and 600 soul essence 
to each member of this player's team.

Dragon of Soul Essence: Grants 300 EXP to the player who destroyed it, and 1500 soul 
essence to each member of this player's team. Its remains generates a green mist that 
lasts for 54 seconds, and units that cross the mist will return 3 % of their cost to 
their commander(s) upon dying.

EXP can increase teach point.

-=Black Mine=-
Gold Crate: Grants 15 gold to each member of the team who broke it.

Large Gold Crate: Grants 60 gold to each member of the team who defeated it, and aids 
this team.

Mechanohound: Grants 150 gold to each member of the team who defeated it, and aids 
this team. When the Mechanohound starts to aid the team, it has 1600 HP, 60 attack 
damage, 6 armor, and 10 ranged damage reduction. It inflicts 50% damage on buildings.

-=Sunset Canyon=-
Statue: Grants 15 EXP to the player who destroyed it, and 1 population to each member
of this player's team.

Capsule of Shadows: Grants 60 EXP to the player who destroyed it, and 3 population to 
each member of this player's team. Also, 3 shadow warriors will come out from the 
capsule and aid this team.

Sarcophagus of Shadows: Grants 150 EXP and 7 population to the player who destroyed it. 
Also grants 5 population to each member of this player's team.

Lord of Shadows: Grants 150 EXP to the player who destroyed it. Then in the next 108 
seconds, all cloaked units by this player's side get 20 bonus attack damage and 10 
bonus armor.

EXP can increase tech point.
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