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Army Tanks 3 Cheats

Army Tanks 3

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: IKU

Warning! spoilers intended only For those who have already 
completed the game for extra enjoyment.

Change save files (open in notebook)
-=Road Blocks=-
asilta1.ini = 1 = remove 1st road block usa
asilta2.ini = 1 = remove 2nd road block japan

laev.ini = 1-6 = change evolution stage

lar.ini = xxxxxxxxxxxxx = your money

m1-m9.ini = 1 = medal collected

ahs.ini = 0-100 = health soldier
aht.ini = 0-100 = tank condition

lp5.ini = heavy machine gun ammo
lpt.ini = tank gun ammo 
lpr.ini = missiles
lps.ini = smoke grenades
lpch.ini = bioweapon grenades

lpu.ini = soldiers submachine gun ammo
lpg.ini = grenades
lpm.ini = mines

nimi.ini = change your name

sp.ini = 0-1

kello.ini    = change hours 0-23
kello10m.ini = change 10 min. 0-9
kello1m.ini  = change 1 min. 0-9
Changing map number may cause temporary changes on enemy tanks

-=World Map=-
ka.ini = warp to level 1-26
Bring enemies back to life (!!! city zone bound 1-9 !!!)

pte1-9  = 1 = enemy tank alive
pse1-15 = 1 = enemy soldier alive

Cheat Codes:
Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the indicated file in the game directory. 
Change the listed values to activate the corresponding cheat function. 

Effect                         File                        Value
Bioweapon grenades           - "lpch.ini"                - Any desired number.
Change evolution stage       - "laev.ini"                - 1 to 6.
Change name                  - "nimi.ini"                - Any desired name.
Gender                       - "sp.ini"                  - 0 or 1.
Grenades                     - "lpg.ini"                 - Any desired number.
Heavy machine gun ammo       - "lp5.ini"                 - Any desired number.
Level select                 - "ka.ini"                  - 1 to 26.
Medals                       - "m1.ini"to "m9.ini"       - 1.
Mines                        - "lpm.ini"                 - Any desired number.
Missiles                     - "lpr.ini"                 - Any desired number.
Money                        - "lar.ini"                 - Any desired number.
Remove Japan Road Block      - "asilta2.ini"             - 1.
Remove U.S.A. Road Block     - "asilta1.ini"             - 1.
Respawn enemy soldier	     - "pse1.ini" to "pse15.ini" - 1.
Respawn enemy tank	     - "pte1.ini" to "pte9.ini"  - 1.
Set hours in time            - "kello.ini"               - 0 to 23.
Set minutes value/ time      - "kello1m.ini"             - 0 to 9.
Set tens value/ minutes/time - "kello10m.ini"            - 0 to 9.
Smoke grenades               - "lps.ini"                 - Any desired number.
Soldier health               - "ahs.ini"                 - 0 to 100.
Soldier submachine gun ammo  - "lpu.ini"                 - Any desired number.
Tank gun ammo                - "lpt.ini"                 - Any desired number.
Tank health                  - "aht.ini"                 - 0 to 100.
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