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Angry Video Game Nerd II: ASSimilation Cheats

Angry Video Game Nerd II: ASSimilation

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

Turbo Controller:
In the first level of Browntown, Dookie Dookie Panic, immediately as the 
level begins, there should be a wall at the bottom of the screen that is 
brown and has cracks in it. If you have the power glove, break the wall, 
and continue through the opening that you've created. In the middle of 
the room that you enter through the broken wall is a controller sitting 
between a bunch of traps and enemies. Neutralize the enemies, avoid the 
traps, and the turbo shot is yours. 
Note: It allows you to charge your gun, not shoot rapid fire.

Power Glove:
At the end of the first Board James level, Hippo Hell, when you're riding the 
helicopter, if you go to the top of the ladder on it once the level exit TNT 
thingy is in sight, then jump off to the right just as the helicopter stops 
moving, you will land on the platform above the level exit and get the power 
glove. Then, simply break the blocks to your right with the newly acquired 
powerup, and exit the level to save it.

The Cape:
In the first stage of Ghouls n' Garbage, immediately after exiting the water 
for the last time, climb the wall on the left until you see some breakable 
blocks. If you have the power glove, break the blocks and get the cape. It's 
a pretty useless powerup, but it looks cool.
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