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All Aspect Warfare Cheats

All Aspect Warfare

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other gamers.

All Aspect Warfare tells the story of a surviving group of four combat 
veterans stuck on a hostile planet, believed dead, hunted by the enemy 
and in a race against time to either disarm a destructive weapon or get
off the planet before it detonates. 

The Terrans have been at war with the Gammulan race for years. In an 
attempt to change the tide of war and take the battle to the enemy, 
Galactic Command, the Terran military body, launched an all out attack
on the Gammulan homeworlds. Deployed in a distant hostile territory on
the other side of the known galaxy, GALCOM forces were met with repeated
defeat and unprecedented losses. GALCOM deployed another fleet along with
a decoy, the GCV-Excalibur, carrying a devastating orbit to surface weapon.
The R.A.N.D.O.M (Random Access Nuclear Destruction of Obsolete Matter) 
weapon, otherwise known as the "planet killer". A weapon which had only 
been used once before. 

After an intense battle, a badly damaged GCV-Excalibur managed to slip 
through the Gammulan defenses and attempted to land on the nearby Gammulan
planet of LV-115. Engaged by undetected planet based Surface To Orbit weaponry,
the all but destroyed craft crash landed on the hostile planet. But not before 
deploying the devastating weapon. 

Badly damaged, ninety percent crew loss and with the R.A.N.D.O.M weapon 
deployed and ticking, the intense planetside battles that ensue tell the 
story of a surviving group of four combat veterans stuck on a hostile 
planet, believed dead, hunted by the enemy and in a race against time to
either locate and disarm the weapon or get off the planet before it detonates.
Problem is, the only way off the planet is through an overwhelming enemy force.
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