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Age of Pirates 2 - City of Abandoned Ships Cheats

Age of Pirates 2 - City of Abandoned Ships

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Go to folder "..\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters" 
and find the "RPGUtilite.c" file. Open it in notepad with administrator rights
(for those running vista). 

Search for the extension called "void initMainCharacterItem()" (with the " ") 
Just below those lines you can edit the starting money by changing = 500 (for an adventurer) to = 99999999 

and then the adventurer class will start with this amount of money. If you scroll
up a bit instead you can edit the starting stats of the characters. 

It could read something like: 

 case "Merchant":
 SetSPECIAL(ch, 4,9,5,8,9,3,4);
 just change all those numbers to 10, so it reads: 
 case "Merchant":
 SetSPECIAL(ch, 10,10,10,10,10,10,10);

Now the merchant class will start with 10 (max) in all stats. 

About 30 CHEATS:
Submitted by: Sayem

Changing the _mod_on_off file in ...\Age of Pirates 2\program\ you can turn on the
developer mode (read that file, you change a setting from "Off" to "On") allows you
to press [F11] in the game, where you can add skills, $, etc. 

=>But you MUST exit the menu by pressing the X in the corner, NOT the [ok] 
button -- or else you get teleported off to la la land. [also, after using [F11],
go to the main menu, Options, and click the setting to restore the keyboard 

Question Quests:
Sometimes in towns, the player might meet non-player characters (NPCs) that ask ship-
related questions in return for items. The answers to these questions however are not
available anywhere in-game.

Fortunately, they are located in the game folder: 
/Age of Pirates 2/Program/Text/characters/LSC_Q2Utilite.h
It should be identified as a text file.

Some Cheats:
Submitted by: Mateus2
Email :

Lets edit the ship you use: go to \Program\Ships and open Ships_init.c in notepad, 
im gonna use the caravel as an example:
/// Caravel

refship.Soundtype = "lugger"; Here you can edit the ship sound
refShip.Class = 4; Here you can edit the ship class (1-2-3-4-5-6)
refShip.Cannon = CANNON_TYPE_CANNON_LBS24; If you know how to change this you can try, 
                    this changes the starting cannon of the ship
refShip.MaxCaliber = 32;  Max caliber of the cannon
refShip.Capacity = 5000;  Max space of storage
refShip.MaxCrew = 225;    You can edit the max crew (sailors) in the ship 
                          (Values are random)
refShip.MinCrew = 35;     Min crew of the ship
refShip.SpeedRate = 12.0; Ship Speed
refShip.TurnRate = 29;    Turning rate
refShip.Price = 42000;    The ship price
refShip.HP = 2500; Most important, the ship max health
refship.Type.Merchant = true; Is a merchant?
refship.Type.War = true; Is a war ship?

Are you angry because enemy ships aways spawn trying to kill you? Go to 
\Program\WorldMap and open worldmap_encgen.c
//??????? ??????? ? ???????
#define WDM_STORM_RATE 0.0001 You hate storms? Put 0.00000001 and you 
never see one!
//??????? ????????? ? ???????
#define WDM_MERCHANTS_RATE 0.05  How much merchants you want? 
They have a shit defense and a high amount of goods
//??????? ??????? ???????? ? ???????
#define WDM_WARRING_RATE 0.015  I think this is the percentage of 
how much battles in sea
//??????? ?????????? ???????? ? ???????
#define WDM_FOLLOW_RATE 0.005  This is the percentage of follow you 
(Trying to kill you)
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