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Agent Awesome Cheats

Agent Awesome

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements
and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the game hub that corresponds 
to [Agent Awesome]. Select the "View Stats" drop down option, then choose the option
for your username's achievements.

Achievement               How to unlock
A god amongst men       - Whoa, that was amazing. You should Youtube that shit.
Action Movie Cliché     - Well that was exciting.
Agent Forty Awesome     - Got that reference?.
Anita will be pissed.   - Just, no death threats time please.
Awesome Maximus         - Max out Agent Awesome health.
Backstab                - Hopefully those guys were related.
Bacon Madness           - If you where smelling Bacon you would have done the same.
Badass                  - Finish level 12 using only the gun.
Big Spender             - Spend some Magnificents at the store.
Circus Act              - Right between the eyes !.
Diplomat                - Complete "The HQ" section of the game with the Gandhi´s Ghost bonus.
Easier said than done.  - Get the highest score possible on every level.
Incognito               - Damn fine spywork.
Middle class            - Earn a total of 25,000 Magnificents.
Mission Complete        - Complete "The HQ" section of the game.
No more TPS Reports     - Complete "The Office" section of the game.
Poor                    - Earn a total of 10,000 Magnificents.
Proved your awesomness  - Finish the game.
Research & Death        - Complete "The Lab" section of the game.
Rich                    - Earn a total of 50,000 Magnificents.
Seriously?              - You just shot a dog dude, what´s wrong with you?.
Sharing is fun          - Play the Tutorial 5 times.
Thank you.              - Agent Awesome will be back.
Tottally not racism.    - Seriousy, we hate racism.
Unstoppable             - Literally nothing should be able to stop you now.
You should try sports   - Because apparently videogames are not your thing.
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