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8 Ball Pool Cheats

8 Ball Pool

Hints - Better shots:
Submitted by: David K.
*Take your time lining up the shots, you will improve as you play this game more often. 

*Grab the pool cue with the mouse pointer to line up the shots.

*Set you power to around 75% for most shots.

*If you can't pot a ball, try to snooker the computer.

*The computer opponent will miss shots so take full advantage when you  have a free shot.

Extended Huideline Length:
Submitted by: Geordie

open Cheat Engine when the game loads up through facebook or directly through site 
set the "Value Type" Array of Byte
scan this code 2A D2 A2 A0 A2 A0 24 0A D3 you will only get 1 result send the result to bottom 
window and change it to 2A D2 A2 A2 A2 A2 24 2A D3 and proceed to play the game.
tip, this can be done using mozzilla firefox google chrome opera all you need to remember is to 
turn CE to the process your browser is using.

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