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1bitHeart Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Chapter One:
* Speak to Mikado in the next room.
* Return to Nanashi's room to go to his bed on the far right.
* Speak to Mikado in the other room again.
* Talk to the boy next to the shrine gate in Sunset Hill, you access
  Sunset Hill by exiting your house and going to the right(fastest) or
  far left of the Area (Blue Sun Street) a menu will pop up to go to
  an area, and it should be the red squigly with a diamond looking
  option. Blue Sun Street, for Refference, will appear as a blue tower
  when you exit Sunset Hill. (You can also introduce yourself to the
  other town folk around Blue Sun Street and Sunset Hill before
  talking to the boy, but it's not neccessary).
* Go inside the store to the far left (The one with the windchimes and
  crate with a cat doodle on it outside) and speak to the Elderly Lady
  in there.
* Go back to Blue Sun Street and enter the big tower building to the
  far left of town, 307 Tower, Go up the elevator (next to the boy
  fallen on the floor) and take it to 5F (Manta Swimming School) and
  talk to the boy sitting in there.
* Leave 307 Tower and walk to the right until you see a girl and talk
  to her.
* Return to 307 and go back to Manta Swimming School, walk to the
  right until a cutscene triggers.

Talking Time Natsukage Part 1:
* Present "Choco-Banana Flavor" on "...Meat. And citrus fruits. And
    ice cream."

Talking Time Natsukage Part 2:
* At "Huh...So it's sort of a nickname." Present "Nickname:Orca"
* Present "Dangerous Playing?"
* Go back to Nanashi's Place and speak with Mikado.
* Go to bed in Nanashi's room.
* Talk to Miumi outside your place.
* Go back to Sunset Hill and speak with Natsukage again in front of
  the shrine gates.
* Go back to Blue Sun Street and walk by Miumi to trigger a cutscene.

Discussion Time Misane Part 1:
* At "'Even I don't know what's going on...' Perhaps he said this
  because he has no memory of it...?" State opinion with "Wounded Leg" 
* Click "Because he's nice."
* Present "Friends' Behavior"
* Go to Manta Swimming School in 307 Tower

Talking Time Yukinaga Part 1:
* At "Oh! Chocolate Bars, and family, and nice cool places... And I
  looove manga and sports!" Present "Sky-Sea Run"

Talking Time Yukinaga Part 2:
* At "Orko came here about two years back! And he's been gettin'
  better ever since! It's awesome!" Wait a sec! and choose "Nickname:Orca"
* Click "Wounded Leg"
* Present "Wounded Leg"
* Press the keys and arrows in the order they appear from left to right
* Go back home and talk to Mikado

End of Chapter / Free Time Start:
Free time gives you opportunities to befriend people around the area,
but I reccommend saving doing ANY friend events until the last chapter
if you'd like to do all the endings without having to replay the game
(The endings are tied to number of friends Nanashi has. And there's no
penalty for saving doing friend events later other than Misane
chastizing you when you choose to end Free Time) When you're done or
wish to skip Free Time, talk to Misane.

* For Chapter One you can make 18 friends.

Chapter Two:
* Leave to go to the new Area on your "map", CocoAlley
* Talk to the boy outside the flower shop (The second building, past
  Cafe Lapin)
* Go to the left of the screen until you reach a gate and go into it
  to reach Honey Garden
* Talk to the Gardner sitting down near the flowerbed.
* Exit the garden and talk to Natsukage standing against the gate
  (apparently Natsukage likes gates)
* Go back to the flower shop Haruya was chilling at earlier, go
  inside, and talk to the lady there.
* Go back to Blue Sun Street back to Nanashi's place and talk to Mikado
* Go back to CocoAlley and talk to Natsukage in front of the garden
    gate again

Talking Time Akitaka Part 1:
* Ask for more at "Eh? Well, flailin' and shoutin's a pain...Heck, I
  don't like usin' my hands much." to get the "Band" topic.
* Present "Band" at "Pure an'...wha? I dunno, maybe. I mean, I'm still
  playin' piano, just elsewhere now."
* Choose "You're like, I dunno why, but you're cool!"

Talking Time Akitaka Part 2:
* At "Ah...My guitar pick. Been comin' here for lookin' for it for
  days now. " Present "Witness Report 2" 
* Go back to Miroku at the Garden
* Talk to Haruya outside the Flower Shop

Talking Time Haruya Part 1:

* Ask for more on his first statement "Is this relevant to anything, I
  wonder..." to revise his statement
* Present "Haruya" On the same statement after revising it
* Go to Cafe Lapin (Building to the right of you) and talk to the girl
* Go back to Natsukage at the gate again

Discussion Time With Friends:
* When Miumi says "If we knew who that kid was, that would make things
  more easy." Present Witness Report 4
* Go back into the gardens and talk to the white haired boy
* Go to Cafe Lapin to talk to the owner

Talking Time Owner Part 1:
* Ask for more at "...He greeted me when I opened the shop here. Since
  then, we've just talked on occassion" for him to revise his statement
* Wait a sec! the same statement with the "Cafe" topic

Talking Time Owner Part 2:
* Ask for more on "Hm...The incident with the flowers is all he's been
  talking about as of late." to get the "Cafe Conversation" Topic
* Ask for more on "Though, Haruya did say he hopes the culprit isn't
  one of the townspeople." for him ro revise his statement.
* Wait a sec! the same statement with the"Cafe Conversation" topic
* Present "Haruya's Memories"
* Press the buttons in the order they appear from left to right
* Go into Honey Gardens to trigger a cutscene
* Go back home to talk to Mikado

End of Chapter / Free Time Start:
Free time gives you opportunities to befriend people around the area,
but I reccommend saving doing ANY friend events until the last chapter
if you'd like to do all the endings without having to replay the game
(The endings are tied to number of friends Nanashi has. And there's no
penalty for saving doing friend events later other than Misane
chastizing you when you choose to end Free Time) When you're done or
wish to skip Free Time, talk to Misane.

For Chapter Two you can make 26 friends in total (Including Chapter 1

Chapter Three:
* Head off to the new area on your map, Break Passage. It's icon is a
  grey B.
* Talk to the boy hanging out at the entrance
* Enter Roar Music (The building at the entrance) And talk to the boy
  with blue hair
* Head into Wac Burger and talk to Akitaka's sister
* Head to the left until you see a wall with graffiti and barbed wire,
  go into the pathway there to reach the backway and talk to Ryuu there
* Go back to Roar Music to talk to Asuto
* Talk to Haruya near the building right next to the Backway
* Go to the building that says RocketPark, that's the arcade, and talk
  to the guy in front of a machine

Talking Time Aira Part 1:
* Ask for more on "Aira has not lived. For very long! Potete was. The
  first one I met!" To get the topic "Only just born?!"
* Present "Only just born" on the same statement

Talking Time Aira Part 2:
* At "Yes! Aira is. Err. Human! So. What else. Would I have used?"
  present "Illegal app"
* Go into the Warehouse to your left and talk to the girl in there
* Go back to Blue Sun Street and Nanashi's place to talk to Mikado

Talking Time Mikado Part 1:
* Ask for more on "Indeed. That's largely because I don't trust
  certain people very much." to get the "Certain People" topic
* Present "Certain People" on the same statement

Talking Time Mikado Part 2:
* Ask for more on "Perhaps it indicates that there's someone else
  seperate from the hackers?" to update "The Other" topic 
* Ask for more on "Well, if you're starting to consider the
  possibility, then maybe you're already seeing the path to a
  resolution." to revise his statement.
* Wait a sec! the same statement with "The Other" topic
* Misane's "Do you still trust me" answer doesn't matter, so choose
  whichever you prefer.
* Go back to Break Passage and talk to Akitaka outside Roar Music
* Enter the keys that appear in order from left to right
* Go back to the Backstreet and talk to Aira

Talking Time Aira Part 3:
* Ask for more on "Maybe!" for her to revise her statement
* On the same statement, Wait a sec! with "Is Aira Human?" Topic
* Enter the keys that appear in order from left to right again, at one
  point a bar will appear, try to make it as full of pink as you can
  pressing Z to stop the bar.
* Go back to Blue Sun Street to Nanashi's home, walk to the right a
  bit and a cutscene will occur

Talking Time Misane Part 1:
* Ask for more on "...That's incorrect. This... Mikado person is not
  someone I know." to get the "Mikado & Misane" Topic.
* Wait a sec! the same statement with "Mikado & Misane"

End of Chapter / Free Time Start:
Free time gives you opportunities to befriend people around the area,
but I reccommend saving doing ANY friend events until the last chapter
if you'd like to do all the endings without having to replay the game
(The endings are tied to number of friends Nanashi has. And there's no
penalty for saving doing friend events later other than Aira mentioning
how you havn't made any friends) Misane's gone for this free time, so
when you're done or wish to skip Free Time, talk to Aira.

For Chapter Three you can make 35 friends in total (including past
chapter characters).

Chapter Four:
* Head over to the new Area Sweet Beach (The icon of a pink Y looking
* Continue going to the right until you see a girl sitting on a bench,
  go up the path near her and you'll wind up on the beach, talk to Aira.
* Head out of the beach and go to the right of the girl on a bench,
  talk to the girl next to the shop Little Berry that's holding Potete
  and talk to her.
* Go into the building to the left of Little Berry and talk to the
  lady in there
* Go back to the entrance and enter the door to the very left and talk
  to the boy in there
* Go to the bench near the beach and talk to Haruya
* Go into the beach and talk to the boy sitting on the sand

Talking Time Izuchi Part 1:
* Ask for more at "So no others, such as parents, influenced you." to
  get the "Irregularity?!" Topic
* On the same statement, present the "Irregularity?!" Topic

Talking Time Izuchi Part 2:
* At "Not at all. We're not acquainted." Wait a sec! with
  "White-Haired Person" Topic
* Choose "Guinea Pig and Criminal".
* Present "Potete's Memories"
* Exit the beach and talk to Akitaka
* Go back to where Potete was to the right and talk to her
* Head back to the beach and walk right until a cutscene triggers
* Go back to where Potete usually is to the right past the beach
  entrance and talk to Izuchi

Talking Time Izuchi Part 3:
* At "I see. So there exists a mastermind." present "Hacker's Goal" Topic
* Press the buttons that appear in order from left to right and when
  the bar appears get it as full as you can and press z to stop
* Go to the beach for a cutscene to trigger
* Exit the beach and talk to Kirai
* Leave Sweet Beach and go to CocoAlley to see Kotora at Cafe Lapin
* Head back to Sweet Beach and go to the right until you see Tobari
  and talk to her
* Go to Blue Sun Street and go back to Nanashi's bed
* Click "Hacker's Goal"
* Click "The Other's Goal"
* Click "The Other's Identity"
* Head out of Nanashi's room to speak to Mikado
* Click "Can't read his mind?"

Final Free Time:
The Final Free Time will be about the endings, as endings are connected
to the number of friends Nanashi has. For an actual Friend Making Guide,
I will make that as a Seperate Guide. I also reccommend that you did not
become friends with anyone during free time until the final free time
right after the end of the chapter 4 walkthrough. Your Friend count
should be 8, if it's more than that, you made a friend during Free time
and will have to restart to get Bad Ending.

There are Three Endings in the game: Bad, Normal, and Happy.

* Bad Ending requires making no new friends, only the 8 you're forced
  to make during the main story.
* Normal requires at least 9 friends but under 25 friends.
* Happy requires at least 25.

There are 44 Max friends you can make in the game, and more characters
are unlocked after getting Happy Ending, as well as getting an extra
story where you play as Misane if you get that ending. The final friend
you can make in the game, Mikado, will not be available unless you
befriend EVERYONE in the game. Which is 48 including the ones you unlock
with Happy End.

Also sidenote, Friending Ryuuri will unlock another character to friend,
Kirara. Kirara will not appear until you Friend Ryuuri. She will appear
right next to him so she shouldn't be hard to miss.

Written by Nanashi
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