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A Virus Named TOM Cheats

A Virus Named TOM

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Steam Achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. 
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then
"My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement        Description
Adamantium Chain - Get a Energy Chain of 20 Energy Pellets.
Air Raid         - In VERSUS, Drop a COMBINED Total of 1,000 Glitch.
                   Bombs (2+ Players).
Beam Me Up (MP)  - Complete Teleporter (Co-Op Story).
Beam Me Up (SP)  - Complete Teleporter (Single Player Story).
Beryllium        - Get FOUR Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time.
Coup d'etat (MP) - Score higher than the Devs on any Co-Op level 3.01 or 
                   higher ("Misfits Attic" BAKED IN Scores).
Coup d'etat (SP) - Score higher than the Devs on any Single Player level 
                   3.01 or higher ("Tim" and "Jeremy" BAKED IN Scores).
Dominatrix       - Win a VERSUS BATTLE by Infection Domination.
Energy Extremist - Beat Level 6.05 WITHOUT Stealing Energy.
Energy Purist    - Beat Level 3.04 WITHOUT Stealing Energy.
Et Tu Brute?     - Get your teammate killed by blocking their escape route.
Flipping Bits    - Get ALL players to the opposite side of a Blue Barrier.
Game Of Thrones  - In VERSUS, Steal a COMBINED Total of 500 Tiles (4 Players)	
Genocide         - Destroy ALL Drones on Level 3.06, Board must be completely 
                   drone free (Co-op Story).
Gold Boat (MP)   - Earn GOLD for all Levels (Co-Op Story).
Gold Boat (SP)   - Earn GOLD for all Levels (Single Player Story).
Helium           - Get TWO Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time.
hotGirl365 (MP)  - Complete Holo-Suit (Co-Op Story).
hotGirl365 (SP)  - Complete Holo-Suit (Single Player Story).

Easy "Air Raid" Achievement
This can be done solo in four plaer VS mode. Select the largest map, and set "Shrapnel Speed", "Glitch Bombs" and time to the maximum. Begin the game and move quickly. Press [Glitch] as fast as possible to reach 1,000 uses. Note: Because Glitch Bombs can hurt you, this requires a high evasion skill. If you die, your can quickly start again with your progress intact. | Submitted by Neto 

Easy "Beryllium" Achievement
Play a two player co-op multi-player game on level 3-6 of the "Sidewalk of Tomorrow". Move one Tom from the starting point at the top of the level across the top to exact center. Note: Wait for the first spider at column 2. The correct location will be column 5 down one block. Two spiders will converge at the same instant. Move back up after getting the energy from both of them and then go directly back down to the same position to collect the energy from the back of the spiders as they cross over and create a small gap. Repeat the process as many times as needed. | Submitted by Neto 

Easy "Game Of Thrones" Achievement
In VS mode on a maximum size map, only 220 tiles are available. After your TOM dies, all of your tiles will be available for other players. When they take them, they are "stolen". Play as a TOM and colonize 90% of the map. Intentionally die then have a second player take all those tiles. Have player two intentionally die, then have player one steal them. Repeat the process as many times as needed. | Submitted by Neto 

Easy "Six Armed Monster" Achievement
Reach level 3-1 in two player co-op mode. You can now enter a three player co-op story at the same point from the menu. Use 3 on the keyboard and do not use your game controller if one is active. Then only use two of the Toms to finish puzzle 3-1, one on each side of the barrier. Once you have completed this, keep pressing [Enter] until the level selection screen for level 3 appears again. You can then exit the three player keyboard and resume the co-op story. | Submitted by Neto 

Easy "Unobtainium Chain" Achievement
Play a two player co-op multi-player game on level 3-6 of the "Sidewalk of Tomorrow". Move one Tom from the starting point at the top of the level across the top to exact center. Note: Wait for the first spider at column two. The correct location will be column five down one block. Two spiders will converge at the same instant. Move back up after getting the energy from both of them and then go directly back down to the same position to collect the energy from the back of the spiders as they cross over and create a small gap. Repeat the process as many times as needed. | Submitted by Neto
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