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APB Reloaded Cheats

APB Reloaded

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: BoneK

Steam achievements:

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view 
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", 
then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement               How to unlock
Backstabber             - Earned by killing 25 enemies from behind.
Boom goes the Dynamite! - Earned by killing an entire enemy group by destroying 
                          a vehicle.
Bounty Hunter           - Earned by arresting/killing 5 criminals who are notoriety 5.
Busted                  - Earned by arresting a player who is on a kill streak.
Car Thief               - Earned by stealing and delivering 1000 vehicles.
CarBeque                - Earned by destroying a 100 vehicles while the driver is at 
                          the wheel.
CarBoom!                - Earned by killing an opponent in a vehicle with a grenade.
Cherry Ride             - Earned by successfully delivering 50 vehicles in pristine 
Cold-blooded            - Earned by killing a player who is notoriety 5 from behind.
Criminal Mastermind     - Earned by successfully completing 100 Missions.
Dangerous Individual    - Earned by spending an hour total at prestige 5.
Detective               - Earned by successfully completing 100 Missions.
Drive-by                - Earned by killing 50 opposing players as a passenger in a 
Drive-by Annihilation   - Earned by killing an entire enemy group at once as the 
                          passenger of a vehicle.
First Pick              - Max your Standing with the first Prentiss Tiger Contacts;
                          Violet Prentiss.
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